Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Skinny Table Runner

By: The Polka Dot Chair

I've got a very long kitchen table and I was having a hard time finding a runner to fit it. I didn't want to tackle another large project right now, so I thought I'd just make a super simple runner for it using some of my favorite fabrics (that also match my kitchen perfectly!)

I started this project back in February.... then it got set "aside" for a while, then I went to finish it up a few weeks ago and..... that's when I cut my finger... I have to admit, I was a bit nervous picking up my rotary cutter again, but I sat down and made myself finish it...

This runner is VERY easy! Even though it took me a while to finish it, you could definitely do it in an afternoon or two. If you have not quilted before an would like to try it, it's a very very easy project to start with. There are no corners to match up and the design is very flexible.

Just measure the length of your kitchen table to figure out how many blocks you need,  it can be made to any length!

To begin... Your blocks will be 14" tall by 11" wide.  I wanted my runner to be about 105-110" long, so I have 10 blocks.

Cut your blocks out of 3-5 different fabrics.

Sew them together in a random pattern. I did not want any two of the same prints next to each other. Sew with 1/4" seams and press seams to one side.

Cut your backing material to 3" wider and longer than your top.  Using painters tape, tape the backing to the floor. If you have a tile or wood floor, use the grout line in the tile to make sure that you have it taped down straight.
Spray the backing with quilt basting spray (have something to catch the overspray otherwise you will have a sticky floor!!)

Cut your batting to the same size as your backing.  I used quilters dream cotton batting.  Lay the batting over the backing (that has been sprayed).  Use your hands and smooth out the batting so that there are no bubbles.

Spray the batting with quilters basting spray. Then carefully lay out your runner top.  Use the lines on your floor to make sure it is straight. Smooth out to remove any wrinkles.

Remove the tape and roll up the runner for quilting.

For this project you do need a walking foot. Otherwise your fabric will bunch up and you will never get it to lay straight.

Begin by sewing the seam between the 1st and 2nd blocks.  Just sew straight down the center of the seam.

Attach the seam guide to your walking foot. Position it so that it is 3/4" from the needle to the guide.

Sew your next quilting line. Place your seam guide right over the top of the seam you just sewed. This will keep all of your quilting lines 3/4" apart.  Keep sewing until you have sewn all the blocks. Roll the runner as you go to keep it out of the way.

*note: If for some reason your measurement is a bit off and your stitching line does not line up with your next seam, still stitch over the seam. You want to have a stitching line at every seam.**

After you are done with all of your stitching, lay your runner down on your table and using a ruler and a rotary cutter, trim off your batting and backing pieces flush with the top of your runner.

Cut your binding. I cut mine 2 1/2 " wide.  Then bind your runner.

For binding tutorials here are a few: (they explain it much better than I can!!)

After you have bound your quilt, throw it in the wash and dry it. This will give it a nice soft feel, all of your stitching lines will pucker up a bit, giving the runner some dimension!


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